"A friend of Torquil (TQ) for over 20 years, he was a fountain of knowledge with the most interesting of backgrounds and a gent to top it all off. TQ would do anything for you. Give you his last 50 bucks, fly across the water to see you, turn up when needed and shoot the most amazing work. While many thought to themselves "who's directing this, me or you" he only ever wanted the best and boy did he deliver. I often hired him. I often recommended him. He always worked out. From the Witcher to Ripper Street he was one of the best.
While many knew TQ better than me and tribute pour in from all over the world, 'cause he travelled don't you know!, they will be much more sad in weeks and months to come. I'm sure when we all meet to celebrate his life soon, we will have enough material for a mini series. He loved to chat - to challenge, to question ,even just for "shits and giggles". Where would he be without a drink and cigarette. Bon voyage TQ. He's lighting up the heavens. I don't know anyone like him, nor do I think I'll meet his like again, at least 'til we meet again."
Written by Adrian Devane (Line Producer Croyden and Galway) and friend of Torquil Fleming-Boyd