"This is the email that I have been dreading for some time now, but I thought you would like to know that Alec, who was the founder chairman of the GBCT back in 1978, died yesterday afternoon.
Dad had been ill for some time, battling with dementia and living in a care home in Denham for the last eighteen months, but while it is incredibly difficult for the family at this time, there is some small consolation that at least his suffering is now ended. Suzy, his wife, was with him at the end. In truth we had been expecting this for a while, but it will still leave a big hole to be filled; as far as the camera department is concerned, it also feels like the end of an era…
The attached picture was taken back in 1978, when Alec was working in Paris on Moonraker. At that time the GBCT was literally in the process of trying to find its feet, but they were interesting and undeniably more exciting days.
Funeral details TBC, but is likely to be held in the Beaconsfield area"
from Simon Mills